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What is $100 invested with Nexus in 1989 worth today?
The chart illustrates the impact of this long-term investment thinking – a $100 investment in a balanced portfolio in 1989 has grown to $1,874 as at June 30, 2024.
"Nexus" reflects the returns of the Nexus North American Balanced Fund after September 30, 1997, and, until then, a composite of Nexus portfolios managed to a balanced mandate. Such returns are time-weighted, total rates measured in Canadian dollars and calculated after deducting such direct and indirect costs as applicable withholding taxes, trading commissions, custody fees and other fund/account expenses, but without deducting Nexus's management fees (which are charged to client accounts and vary by client). "CPI" is the "All-Items" Consumer Price Index for Canada, not seasonally adjusted.

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