The Nexus Report

The Nexus Report is where you’ll find a comprehensive review of each quarter, including our four Nexus pooled funds and our thoughts on the market outlook.

2024 Reports

Q1 | March 2024
Robust stock market gains continued through the first three months of 2024. After a remarkable 2023, many investors were expecting gains to moderate.
Q2 | June 2024
2023 Redux. As the second quarter of 2024 drew to a close, many U.S. stock market indexes hit new all-time highs

2023 Reports

Q1 | March 2023
A Surprisingly Good Quarter. It may be surprising to many that the last three months provided good returns to most investors. The quarter was
Q2 | June 2023
Off to the Races. At the beginning of 2023, the mood in financial markets was lugubrious. 2022 had been a tough year for investors, particularly for
Q3 | September 2023
A Painful September (Again). September lived up to its reputation as a cruel month for investors. In stock markets around the world, September’s sharp
Q4 | December 2023
2023 was a remarkable year. As the year began, the consensus outlook among investors was grim. Canada and the U.S. both were expected to slide into

2022 Reports

Q1 | March 2022
A Rocky Start to the Year. After a fantastic stock market run in 2021, investors have found the first three months of 2022 to be considerably more
Q2 | June 2022
No One Said It Was Going to be Easy. At the mid-year point of 2022 markets continue to make headlines for the wrong reasons. In the second quarter the
Q3 | September 2022
A Summer of Discontent. The dark clouds over financial markets remained in place during the last three months. Portfolio values are down sharply in
Q4 | December 2022
Goodbye 2022. Three months ago, financial markets sat near the year’s low. Investors licked their wounds and there was not much to inspire optimism.

2021 Reports

Q1 | March 2021
What a Difference a Year Makes. The first quarter of 2021 was fabulous for stock market investors. Commentators on business television squealed
Q2 | June 2021
The Beat Goes On. The second quarter of 2021 was another outstanding period for stock market investors. Over the last three months, the TSX
Q3 | September 2021
A Sombre September. The string of successful months in the stock market had to end some time. Perhaps it was predictable that it would end during
Q4 | December 2021
A Year to Remember. 2021 was a remarkable year. Investors enjoyed generous investment returns despite the myriad of public health difficulties and the