The New and Improved Nexus Website is Here!

Topic: Inside Nexus
October 29, 2015
Creative Commons Image courtesy of Southbank Centre
The New and Improved Nexus Website is Here!
We’ve come a long way!
In the September 1999 edition of Nexus Notes, we wrote that in the business world and certainly in the investment community, if you wanted to hold your head up, you needed to have a website. At that time, we were proud to announce our presence on the “World Wide Web” with the first ever Nexus website. Finally, we boasted, our clients could find us while “surfing” the web.
Nowadays there is nothing particularly exciting about a new website because everyone has one. We are in an internet-for-all era in which connectivity and instant information are the norm. According to Forbes magazine, by 2020 there will be over 5 billion internet users around the world, with over half of them accessing the internet on handheld devices, and 80 billion connected devices or things world wide. Wow! We understand that everyone has a different way of connecting to the internet these days and it is important that our website be adaptable to all those devices.
As a result, and 16 years after the original launch, we are pleased to announce that we have redesigned our website. You will still find all the usual information about Nexus: our people, publications and how we take a holistic view to wealth management. But there is something new. We now have a Nexus Blog!
Blogging is a phenomenon that has emerged over the last 16 years as websites and internet use became more prolific. The posting and sharing of opinions, musings, articles and photography have become a new brand of social journalism which even the major news stations and papers use as a way to publish information. Blogging is important to the culture of the internet and we felt it was time to participate. After all, if we want to hold our heads up… we need to blog. While we don’t aspire to be like everyone else, we realized that we were already spending a great deal of time and effort writing thoughtful, original pieces in Nexus Notes and in our Nexus Report. It is time we started sharing that, not just with our clients, but with anyone curious to hear what we have to say.
Our web address is still the same; you can find us at You should note that in the new age of internet design, our logo is now the “home” button. And, as a bit of nostalgia, below you’ll find the original website launch announcement from the 1999 edition of Nexus Notes. Enjoy, and – most importantly – we invite you to start exploring!