Did You Know November Was Financial Literacy Month?
Established in 2001 by the Canadian federal government, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) has recognized November as financial literacy month in Canada since 2011. The mission of the FCAC is to strengthen oversight of consumer issues and expand consumer education in the financial sector.1
At Nexus, we think every month should be financial literacy month, and our investment managers and planners are here to help engage, educate and empower.
Part of financial literacy is knowing how you stand financially, should you experience a significant life event. One tool that Nexus has developed is a Financial Fitness Checklist, which helps our clients determine what kind of financial shape they are in. We welcome you to take the test (here) and see how many of the statements you can answer “yes” to. If there are gaps in your financial fitness, talk to your trusted investment manager or financial counsellor about how to close them.
The FCAC, together with a group of community organizations, have created resources and programs to assist and improve the financial literacy of Canadians which you can read about here.2